Best Pediatrician in Ahmedabad

The best care your child deserves.

Dr. Chetan G Trivedi is a highly accomplished and revered medical professional, recognized for his exceptional expertise as a Consultant Pediatrician and Neonatologist. With an illustrious academic background and an unwavering commitment to providing top-notch medical care to young patients, he has earned a well-deserved reputation as a trusted and skilled practitioner in the field of child healthcare.
Having earned his M.D. (Doctor of Medicine) and D.Ped (Diploma in Pediatrics), Dr. Chetan G Trivedi possesses a strong foundation in both general pediatrics and specialized neonatal care. His comprehensive knowledge and deep understanding of the unique medical needs of infants, children, and adolescents enable him to address a wide range of pediatric conditions with utmost precision and empathy.
Dr. Trivedi’s dedication to the well-being of his patients is evident in the personalized and compassionate approach he adopts in every case. He takes the time to listen to both the young patients and their families, ensuring that they feel heard and supported throughout the treatment process. His warm and caring demeanor fosters a sense of trust, which is crucial in pediatric care, particularly during challenging and delicate situations.
With a keen interest in neonatology, Dr. Chetan G Trivedi excels in the care of premature babies and those born with critical medical conditions. His expertise in neonatal intensive care and cutting-edge interventions has saved the lives of many vulnerable newborns, earning him immense respect from colleagues and families alike.
Beyond his contributions to the medical community, Dr. Trivedi is deeply involved in community outreach programs, advocating for child health and wellness. His efforts extend beyond the hospital walls, ensuring that every child in the community has access to quality healthcare and support.

Dr. Chetan G. Trivedi

M.D. ; D.Ped
Consultant Pediatrician And Neonatologist


  • Practicing Paediatrician & Neonatologist Medical Director at Neha Children Hospital & Neonatal Centre, kankaria, Ahmedabad since last 26 yrs
  • Ex. Honorary Assistant professor & Infectious Disease consultant at U N Mehta Institute of Cardiology, Ahmedabad.

Educational qualification

  • M.B.B.S from N H L Municipal Medical college ,V S Hospital , Ahmedabad, 1992
  • Post Graduation M. D. Pediatrics from Dept of pediatrics, B J Medical College ,Ahmedabad,1995
  • Diploma in Pediatrics from Dept of pediatrics, B J Medical College ,Ahmedabad,1994.
  • Certification course :Pediatric fundamental critical care support certificate PFCCS 2013
  • Certification course: International pediatric association vaccine trust course level 1- 2021

Dr. Chetan Trivedi
(M.D. D. Ped.)



Posts & Positions in Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)

  • President , AOP Gujarat 2023
  • Executive Board Member ,Gujarat ,CIAP 2016 , 2021
  • Treasurer , IAP ID chapter 2022-23
  • Joint secretary, IAP ID chapter 2018 & 2021
  • National Convener , IAPNRC-National Respiratory Chapter Presidential Action Plan 2022-23
  • Editor in chief , AOP Gujarat Bulletin 2018-19
  • President Academy of pediatrics, Ahmedabad 2013 & 2014
  • Executive committee member AOP Gujarat 2014 ,2015
  • Member of Academic Council ,CIAP 2016-17
  • Executive Board Member IAP ID chapter 2017
  • Advisory board member , Fever foundation

Organizational Contribution to Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)

  • Organizing Secretary , IPA PEDICON 2023
  • Organizing Chairperson , GUJPEDICON 2022
  • Scientific Convener, Wednesday Wisdom – Ahmedabad Connect weekly webinar series- 2021
  • National Coordinator Fever 98.7 FM module CIAP 2020-21
  • Joint Org Sec, Gujarat state annual Conference, GIAPCON 2012
  • Joint Org Sec ,National conference by NNF ,Neocon 2013.
  • Organized 1 st National conference on vaccine preventable diseases in 2013 as president AOP Ahmedabad.
  • Org Sec National Assembly of Pediatric Emergency medicine-NAPEM 2014
  • Co org Sec 1st National Conference on Antimicrobials ANTIMICROBIOCON 2014.
  • Org Co-Chairperson Annual midterm scientific meet of AOP Gujarat 2015
  • Chairperson National conference of Neurology chapter CIAP, Neuropedicon 2016
  • Conference Secretariat National conference on Pediatric Infectious diseases NCPID 2018
  • Convener, Gujarat state annual Conference, GIAPCON 2018
  • Coordinator „BRIDGE‟ module for practicing pediatricians by AOP Gujarat 2019
  • Scientific Convener, Wednesday Wisdom- Weekly Webinar series, Ahmedabad Connect

Achievements At Indian Academy of Pediatrics - CIAP

  • Received "Best Branch Award‟ for AOP Ahmedabad as President 2013 along with awards in 2 other categories also.
  • Received 6 awards in different categories for AOP Ahmedabad as president 2014

Academic Contributions

  • Contributor & National trainer for POINT module CIAP 2022
  • National trainer for APME module 2022
  • Scientific convener , "BRIDGE –Clinico investigational approach‟ module ,AOP Gujarat,2023
  • IAPVAC Vaccine champion 2015
  • National trainer for APT- Appropriate Pediatric Therapeutics Module by IAP 2015
  • National trainer for SOS HOPE (Handling of Pediatric Emergencies) module by IAP 2016
  • National trainer for "Rational Investigation Practices, module IAP 2017
  • National trainer for "TRAC –Test Reports & clues‟ module by IAP 2019
  • National trainer for IAP –VAC 2015 „Immunization champion‟s course‟ 2015
  • National master trainer IAP module “ Monsoon Melodies” 2015
  • National trainer for IAP TOUCH ( Training of upcoming Child health workers) 2015
  • National trainer for IAP module "All about Fever‟ 2018-19
  • National trainer for "practical Vaccinology course‟ by IAP 2018
  • National trainer for RTI GEM module by IAP 2020
  • National trainer for Under Five wheeze module by IAP 2020
  • National trainer for Fever 98.7 FM module by IAP 2020
  • Zonal trainer for "Rational Antibiotic Practice module‟ by IAP.
  • Zonal trainer for EPID (Essentials of pediatric Infectious diseases ) west zone.
  • State trainer for "Shishu Nirman‟ – Comprehensive growth chart training program of AOP Gujarat,2015
  • State trainer TOPP- "Training of Protocols in pediatrics‟ AOP Gujarat 2017"
  • BNCRP provider by IAP NNF neonatal resuscitation program.

Publication in Journal

  • Review article „Clinician‟s Perspective on the Use of hep A Vaccine in Indian Children‟ in Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal ,2020
  • Review Article in Indian Journal of Practical pediatrics, Antimicrobial therapy of hospitalized children with skin , soft tissue & joint infections

Contribution in Books & Modules

  • Authored 3 chapters in Book "Pediatric pictorial interrogative reckoner‟
  • Authored chapter -"Documentation of vaccination‟ IAP FAQ in Immunization book
  • Authored Chapter "Coffee book on Immunization‟ by IAP ID Chapter CIAP
  • Authored Chapter on "Acute bacterial meningitis‟ 3rd edition Text book of pediatric infectious diseases
  • Authored chapter in "Clinical Grand Rounds in Pediatric Infectious Diseases‟ IAP ID chapter publication
  • Authored case - chapter in ID Grand rounds - PUO – WAIT FOR THE SURPRISE
  • Authored chapter Immunization in respiratory diseases - IAP National Respiratory chapter Textbook of pediatric pulmonology
  • Contributed in STG- Standard treatment guidelines by IAP
  • Authored chapter in "Fefcon fever book
  • Speaker for Online CME on cough topic "Cough management guidelines‟ by IAP.
  • Contributor in IMPACT-Immunization Practices to Achieve coverage targets‟ module 2018 by AOP Gujarat , GOG & UNICEF
  • Contributor in "BRIDGE –Clinico investigational approach‟ module by AOP Gujarat 2019
  • Contributor & National faculty IAP vaccinology module 2021-22


National Webinar on „Aerosol therapy in pediatric office practice‟, by DIAP (Digital Indian academy of pediatrics). Many other webinars at national levels for topics of general pediatrics & vaccinology

Faculty in National Conferences:

National PEDICON

  • Faculty in Pedicon 2015 at New Delhi "Workshop on pediatric emergency & acute care in Office Practice‟. Talk on "Poisoning in children‟
  • Faculty in Pedicon 2016 at Hyderabad Panel in pneumonia
  • Faculty in Pedicon 2017 at Bangalore 21st Jan 2017-Panelist "Case presentation child with Fever with rash‟ panel
  • Judge oral paper presentation Pedicon 2017 Bengaluru.
  • Faculty in Pedicon 2018 at Nagpur panelist "Rational Investigations‟ & Moderated panel on „Point of care test in office practice‟
  • Faculty in Pedicon 2019 at Mumbai Moderated „panel on Steroids in Pediatrics‟. & Panelist in „Indian Rotaviral vaccine update
  • Faculty at PEDICON 2020 at Indore "fever panel"
  • Faculty at PEDICON 2021 at Mumbai panel on vaccination
  • Faculty at West Zone PEDICON and MAHAPEDICON 2021 controversies in vaccination panel
  • Faculty at Noida PEDICON 2022 panel on respiratory emergencies , Moderated panel confusion & consensus vaccination
  • Faculty in ENRICHCON 2016 at Ahmedabad talk on "Allergic rhinitis‟
  • Faculty at Respicon 2022 at Jaipur talked on "LTRA& Antihistamines (Levocetrizine & Monteleukast)
  • Faculty at Manglore PEDICON 2023 –Panel On rational antibiotics in office practice
  • Faculty at PEDICON 2023 , talk on „Common office emergency procedures‟

State Pedicon

  • Faculty in Karnataka state Pedicon 2015 at Bangalore Talk on POCT
  • Faculty in Mangalore pedicon 2016 at Mangalore talked on "Fever with thrombocytopenia‟
  • Faculty in Gujarat state Pedicon GIAPCON 2015 at Rajkot Talk on "recurrent vomiting in beyond infancy‟
  • Faculty in Gujarat state Pedicon GIAPCON 2017 at Ahmedabad Moderated panel on "Common household poisoning‟ & Panelist „Immunization panel
  • Faculty in West zone Pedicon & Mahapedicon 2018 panelist in panel on "Irrational drug combinations in pediatric practice‟
  • Faculty at Udaipur Giapcon 2019 talked on aerosol therapy therapy & talked on "hexavalent vaccines‟
  • Faculty at Surat West zone pedicon 2019 , panle on PUO & talked on Cervical Lymphadenopathy

National Conference on Pediatric Infectious diseases –NCPID

  • Faculty in NCPID 2016 at Pune Panelist in panel on Antibiotics key concepts
  • Faculty in NCPID 2017 at Mysore panelist in panel discussion on "Fever with rash‟
  • Faculty in NCPID 2018 At Ahmedabad "Talk on fever with thrombocytopenia‟ & panelist in panel on „Lab diagnosis in RTI‟
  • Faculty at NCPID 2019 Hyderabad Debate on : "antibiotics prophylaxis in UTI –for‟
  • Faculty at Bhubaneswar NCPID 2021 panel on "spotters in PID‟ & talk on antimicrobial therapy in UTI

Infectious disease chapter National CMEs

  • Faculty in Antimicrobiocon 2014 AT Ahmedabad Quiz master „keypad quiz on Antimicrobials‟.
  • Faculty in National midterm summer CME Bangalore 2016, Panelist in panel on „Pictorial journey of infectious Faculty in National CME on ID at Patna talk on „Update on malaria‟ & moderated vaccine panel
  • Faculty at Midterm ID CME 2019 at Pune Panelist in panel on „Parasitic Infections‟
  • Faculty at Kolkata National Autumn CME 2021 on pediatric Infectious diseases talked on „PCVs – Is a new era about to begin ?‟
  • Faculty at Kolkata National Summer CME 2022 panel on „My first line antibiotics not working‟

Vaccination conferences ( State & National)

  • Faculty at Mahapedicon 2015 at Sholapur talk on Hep A & chicken pox vaccine‟
  • Faculty in National conference on Vaccine preventable Diseases 2015 at Bangalore panelist in Panel discussion on „BCG, OPV, IPV, DPT, Measles vaccine‟
  • Faculty at Rajneocon 2015 at Jodhpur talk on „Live hep A vaccine
  • Faculty in West zone Vacciindicon 2016, Ahmedabad , Panelist „Fever with rash‟
  • Faculty in Kolhapur –KAPCON 2016 talk on „Varicella vaccine current trends‟
  • Faculty in Gujarat state Pedicon GIAPCON 2017 at Ahmedabad moderated panel on „Immunization panel‟
  • Faculty at VACCICON 2018 at Rajkot, Panelist „Immunization in Special situations‟
  • Faculty at National Cradle Conference at Hyderabad talk on „Evaluation of DTP based hexavalent vaccines in Indian scenario‟
  • Faculty at Karnataka state ID conference 2018 at Bangalore moderated panel on „Pitfalls in Immunization practice Faculty at Pedicon 2019 at Mumbai panelist in panel on „Rotavirus vaccine – Nation‟s pride!‟
  • Faculty at Gujneocon 2019 at Ahmedabad talk in „Vaccination in Preterm ‟
  • Faculty at Midterm scientific Meet by AOP Gujarat , Karamsad, 2019‟ Panelist in „Immunization dialogue
  • Vaccicon 2020 panel on „recent change in management of tuberculosis‟
  • Vaccicon 2021 moderated panel on „vaccination confusion & concensus
  • Vaccicon 2022 moderated panel on „ Vaccination in special situation‟ & talked on meningococcal conjugate vaccine
  • Faculty at Ahmedabad AAPCON 2022 moderated panel on „Tropical fevers in children‟
  • Also talked for many webinars.

National congress on Pediatric emergency Medicine –NAPEM

  • Faculty in NAPEM 2014 Ahmedabad talk on „Pediatric Office emergencies‟
  • Faculty in NAPEM 2016 Coimbatore „workshop on pediatric office emergencies‟-Talk on bronchiolitis & adult symptoms in child
  • Faculty in NAPEM 2018 at Bengaluru talk on „Unraveling troublesome trouble‟ & Panelist in panel on „Pre-hospital care – Scoop & run
  • Faculty in NAPEM 2019 at Kovalam, Kerala talk on „Pediatric Office Emergencies‟

Conference of other associations

  • Faculty in Indian society of Perinatology & reproductive biology conference ISOPARB 2006 at Ahmedabad Talk on „NICU set up‟
  • Faculty in AICOG 2017 „Immediate management of Non vigorous newborn „
  • Faculty at 11th National conference of Indian Society of Pediatric Radiology ISPR 2013 at Ahmedabad talk on „CNS infections –Are they different ?
  • Faculty in HITCON 2016 talk on „Technology in pediatrics‟

International conferences participation

  • 3 rd international conference on Growth & Nutrition, Vienna, Austria ,17-19 march 2016
  • ESPID –European society of Pediatric Infectious diseases 2018 , Malmo , Sweden
  • Pneumococcal Diseases conference –PDC 2018 , Singapore 5-6 May 2018
  • Vaccine Insight Expert Workshop- VIEW 2017 at Seoul,South Korea 4-6 July 2017
  • Organizing secretary , International Pediatric Association congress 2023

Health awareness in Media

  • Did many talk show for patient awareness & promotion of MR vaccine campaign on Television
  • Many articles in Newspaper
  • Public health programs
  • Many adolescent health care programs with NGOs.
  • YouTube channel with > 1500 subscribers
  • Facebook live for vaccine awareness

Specializing in Newborn Care.

Hon secretary , IAP Infectious Disease Chapter 2024-25


Received highest honour of Indian academy of pediatrics- FIAP -Fellow of Indian academy of pediatrics at National conference of IAP at Kochi

President, AOP Gujarat 2023


National Convener, IAPNRC-National Respiratory Chapter Presidential Action Plan 2022-23

Organizing Secretary, IPA PEDICON 2023


Treasurer, IAP ID chapter 2022-23

Organizing Chairperson, GUJPEDICON 2022


Scientific Convener, Wednesday Wisdom – Ahmedabad Connect weekly webinar series- 2021

National Coordinator Fever 98.7 FM module CIAP 2020-21


Joint secretary, IAP ID chapter 2018 & 2021

Editor in chief, AOP Gujarat Bulletin 2018-19


Member of Academic Council, CIAP 2016-17

Executive Board Member IAP ID chapter 2017


Executive Board Member, Gujarat, CIAP 2016, 2021

Executive committee member AOP Gujarat 2014, 2015


President Academy of pediatrics, Ahmedabad 2013 & 2014

Joint Org Sec, National conference by NNF, Neocon 2013


Organized 1st National conference on vaccine preventable diseases in 2013 as president AOP Ahmedabad

Joint Org Sec, Gujarat state annual Conference, GIAPCON 2012


Advisory board member, Fever foundation

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